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Thursday's Seller's Corner - Prep Your Home For Spring Market

NOW IS A GREAT TIME to prep your

home for the Spring Market!



If you've been thinking at all about selling your home this spring, here is a great way to get started with preparing your home for sale!


Start With Your Own Personal Home Inspection    

The physical condition and appearance of your home are factors over which you have the greatest control. These elements can make a difference in thousands of dollars in your pocket at the time of sale.

Put yourself in the buyer’s shoes. You wouldn’t want to purchase a home that has a lot of little things wrong, would you? A poorly maintained home will rattle your buyer’s confidence. After all, if the little things aren’t taken care of, what might the buyer assume about the big things like the furnace or the roof? You’ll be giving the prospect ammunition to offer a lower price.

If there are major problems, you must disclose them to the buyer.  Either fix them before listing the property or leave an allowance for the repair if you can’t afford to do it before the sale. Keep in mind that the allowance you leave will probably have to be greater than the actual cost of doing the repair yourself.  The devil is in the details. 


We have a great Home-Inspection Checklist for you to use, CLICK HERE!

The checklist you’ll find on the following page includes things that both a potential buyer and professional home inspector will scrutinize.  Walk around and through your home with this checklist and see your home through the eyes of a buyer, as well as an inspector.  Make notes on areas you need to address; prioritize which repairs you can afford to make and will do first.

Also please contact us, let us put our generations of knowledge to work for you, to determine what items should be addressed and/or upgraded for the best Return On Your Investment.



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