November, the Thanksgiving month, is a great time to reflect and share what we are thankful for. It goes without saying that I am thankful for family and friends and that is why, especially now, I am thankful for technology and the ability to not only hear, but see family and friends so easily.
Virtual birthday parties & holidays, being able to play games together and share craft ideas. My sister shared the following craft with me via text/photo. It is a simple cloth bookmark, it would make a great stocking stuffer or attached to a gift with the tag. All you need is three 4” squares, so use up scrap material, reuse old clothes or buy a small piece of material that matches the person’s interest or favorite color.
Wishing you all a Happy Thanksgiving Month!
Bookmark Directions
1. Cut three 4” squares of cotton material.
2. Lay the bottom piece front side facing up.
3. Fold the second piece in half on the diagonal with the front side out and lay that on top of the bottom piece matching two sides and the fold is across the center.
4. Place the third piece on top of the stack with the back side facing up and pin the 3 layers together.
5. Sew a 1/4” seam around the outside leaving a 2” opening on the side that has only 2 layers.
6. Trim off the corners, before turning right-side out.
7. Use scissor tips to help push out the corners and fold in the seam allowance on the open section.
8. Press, then top stick around the outside close to the edge.