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In case you were wondering what these numbers mean, over the course of the next couple of emails, I will explain the significance of each number.

There are more than 1900 Realtors registered with the Vermont Association of Realtors. That offers you many options to align yourself with a Realtor you will feel most comfortable with.  But who has time to interview 1900 Realtors?  So how do you know where to begin?  If you don’t know a Realtor, here are my suggestions for getting started.

  1. Ask family and friends who their Realtor was when they purchased their  homes.  A Realtor referral from someone you trust is a recommendation you can always count on.
  2. How responsive is the Realtor you have reached out to? Is that Realtor responding to your inquiry?  If so, are they available to you now that you have connected with them?
  3. Do you feel they are knowledgeable?  How is the initial conversation going? If you feel good about it, then you likely are on the right track.
  4. Honesty and guidance are two important traits a strong Realtor has and you can tell. Follow your gut instincts. If you feel like this is a sales call and not the  beginning of a beautiful relationship, move on.
  5. A Realtor who truly wants to work FOR you will let you know what the next steps are and they follow through!  It is our job to guide and support our clients, every step of the way!

Currently, it is reported that there are 339,439 home owners in the state of Vermont. To learn more about how you can work with myself and the entire Marcelino Team with 76 years of combined experience, watch for next weeks email, give me a call!  We can get started today and let’s add you to that growing number of Vermont home owners!

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